SRTM X-SAR - Color-Coded Elevation Mosaic - Global
The SRTM X-SAR Elevation Mosaic is an aggregation of DLR's SRTM X-SAR DTED tiles. The SRTM X-SAR Color-Coded Elevation Mosaic combines the SRTM X-SAR Elevation and Hillshade Mosaic Datasets to produce a hypsometric colored and shaded relief of the SRTM X-SAR DTED tiles.
- Date (Creation)
- 2010-10-11T17:00:00
- Citation identifier
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Purpose
The purpose of the SRTM X-SAR Color-Coded Elevation Mosaic is to enable and facilitate access to and visualisation of DLR's SRTM data through standardized web services.
- Status
- Completed
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Point of contact
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Theme
Space Shuttle
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Nutzungsbedingungen: / Terms of use:
- Use limitation
Nutzungseinschränkungen: Das DLR ist nicht haftbar für Schäden, die sich aus der Nutzung ergeben. / Use Limitations: DLR not liable for damage resulting from use.
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Denominator
- 50000
- Language
- Deutsch
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Elevation
- Begin date
- 2000-01-11T07:00:00
- End date
- 2000-01-22T08:00:00
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:4326
- Number of dimensions
- 3
- Dimension name
- Row
- Dimension size
- 1598400
- Resolution
- 25 m
- Dimension name
- Column
- Dimension size
- 510600
- Resolution
- 25 m
- Dimension name
- Vertical
- Dimension size
- 1
- Resolution
- 1 m
- Cell geometry
- Area
- Transformation parameter availability
- No
- Distribution format
Name Version GeoTIFF
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link DLR SRTM Webpage
OGC:WMS srtm_x-sar_mosaic
OGC:WMS-http-get-capabilities WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link EOC Geoservice Map Context
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- INSPIRE / Conformity_001
Conformance result
- Title
VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. 1089/2010 DER KOMMISSION vom 23. November 2010 zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich der Interoperabilität von Geodatensätzen und -diensten
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
See the referenced specification.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
Horizontal accuracy (absolute): ±20m 90% circular error
Horizontal accuracy (relative): ±15m 90% circular error
Vertical accuracy (absolute): ±16m 90% linear error
Vertical accuracy (relative): ±6m 90% linear error
- Description
Calculation of a list of files that are contained in each 30x30 degree tile of the world grid
- Date / Time
- 2010-01-30T18:00:00
- Description
Merging the files from the list into one GeoTIFF file. The following GDAL v1.7.2 command was used: -of GTiff -co TFW=YES -co TILED=YES -init -32767 -n -32767
- Date / Time
- 2010-01-31T09:00:00
- Description
Calculation of the overviews for each GeoTIFF tile. The following GDAL v1.7.2 command was used: gdaladdo -r cubic GEOTIFF_FILE 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
- Date / Time
- 2010-01-01T18:00:00
- File identifier
- 0367dc97-3d50-4526-b692-b50347eb7d97 XML
- Metadata language
- Deutsch
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2023-01-25T14:48:39
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115-1:2014/19139
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Point of contact