Dieser WebFeatureService (WFS) Verkehrsnetze ALKIS - beinhaltet folgende Verkehrsnetze Straße, Luft, Schiene und Wasser.
Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Identification info
- Alternate title
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2019-08-26T10:14:59.302+02:00
- Purpose
Der Dienst stellt vorläufige INSPIRE Datensätze bereit.
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung (LGV) Hamburg
Point of contact Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung (LGV) Hamburg
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Biannually
- Update scope
- Service
- Maintenance note
Für die Aktualität der Daten nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
UMTHES Thesaurus
Raumbezogene Information
- Keywords
Service Classification, version 1.0
- Keywords
- Keywords
Further legal basis
Hamburgisches Geodateninfrastrukturgesetz (HmbGDIG)
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung 2.0
- Other constraints
Quellenvermerk: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung
- Other constraints
{"id":"dl-by-de/2.0","name":"Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung 2.0","url":"","quelle":"Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung"}
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen
- Service Type
- download
- Service Version
OGC:WFS 1.1.0
- Service Version
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- base:SpatialDataSet
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- gn:NamedPlace
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- net:CrossReference
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- net:GradeSeparatedCrossing
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- net:Network
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- net:NetworkConnection
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AerodromeArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AerodromeCategory
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AerodromeNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AerodromeType
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AirLinkSequence
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AirRoute
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AirRouteLink
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:AirspaceArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:ApronArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:ConditionOfAirFacility
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:DesignatedPoint
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:ElementLength
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:ElementWidth
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:FieldElevation
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:InstrumentApproachProcedure
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:LowerAltitudeLimit
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:Navaid
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:ProcedureLink
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:RunwayArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:RunwayCentrelinePoint
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:StandardInstrumentArrival
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:StandardInstrumentDeparture
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:SurfaceComposition
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:TaxiwayArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:TouchDownLiftOff
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:UpperAltitudeLimit
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-a:UseRestriction
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:DesignSpeed
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:NominalTrackGauge
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:NumberOfTracks
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayElectrification
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayLine
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayLink
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayLinkSequence
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayStationArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayStationCode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayStationNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayType
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayUse
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayYardArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ra:RailwayYardNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:ERoad
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:FormOfWay
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:FunctionalRoadClass
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:NumberOfLanes
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:Road
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadLink
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadLinkSequence
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadName
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadServiceArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadServiceType
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadSurfaceCategory
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:RoadWidth
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:SpeedLimit
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-ro:VehicleTrafficArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:Beacon
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:Buoy
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:CEMTClass
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:ConditionOfWaterFacility
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:FairwayArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:FerryCrossing
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:FerryUse
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:InlandWaterway
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:MarineWaterway
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:PortArea
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:PortNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:RestrictionForWaterVehicles
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:TrafficSeparationSchemeCrossing
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:TrafficSeparationSchemeLane
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:TrafficSeparationSchemeRoundabout
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:TrafficSeparationSchemeSeparator
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:WaterLinkSequence
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:WaterTrafficFlowDirection
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:WaterwayLink
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn-w:WaterwayNode
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:AccessRestriction
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:ConditionOfFacility
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:MaintenanceAuthority
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:MarkerPost
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:OwnerAuthority
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:RestrictionForVehicles
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:TrafficFlowDirection
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:TransportNetwork
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- tn:VerticalPosition
- Extent type code
- Yes
- Geographic identifier
- Hamburg (02000000)
- Code
- 020000000000
- Coupled Resource
Operation Name Scoped name Identifier GetCapabilities
- Coupling Type
- Tight
- Contains Operations
Operation Name Distributed Computing Platforms Connect Point GetCapabilities
HTTPGet DescribeFeatureType
HTTPGet GetFeature
- Operates On
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG 25832: ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG 4258: ETRS89 / geographisch
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG 4326: WGS 84 / geographisch
- Distribution format
Name Version
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name Dienst "WFS INSPIRE HH Verkehrsnetze ALKIS" (GetCapabilities)
- Hierarchy level
- Service
- Other
Conformance result
- Title
VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. 976/2009 DER KOMMISSION vom 19. Oktober 2009 zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich der Netzdienste
- Date (Publication)
- 2009-10-20
- Explanation
see the referenced specification
- Pass
- Yes
- File identifier
- 4EB83BB1-7B8A-43DC-8116-FC8927A31854 XML
- Metadata language
- Deutsch
- Character set
- UTF8
- Parent identifier
- Hierarchy level
- Service
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2023-11-16
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
2005/PDAM 1
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung (LGV) Hamburg
Point of contact