Water Framework Directive - Structural quality mapping 2015 [7-stage evaluation]
The hydromorphological status was determined by a monitoring compliant with the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EU). The elaboration of a structural quality mapping is one part of this monitoring. Within the scope of the work on the structural quality mapping, a total of 31 parameters in the area of the river bed, the river bank and the floodplain are assessed so that the structural quality mapping contains detailed information on the river morphology and the river continuity. In this case, the evaluation of the mapped sections is based on seven classes. The results of the evaluation were aggregated into an overall evaluation per mapped section.
- Date (Creation)
- 2020-05-05
- Date (Publication)
- 2020-05-05
- Citation identifier
- LU / 01549a1f-e8d5-4de0-971f-0a06518ecaeb
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Administration de la gestion de l'Eau
Martine Bastian
- Keywords
- Keywords
INSPIRE priority data set
Monitoring stations (Water Framework Directive)
Directive 2000/60/EC
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations on public access
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
- Other constraints
- Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Location
- Unique resource identifier
- http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3035
- Distribution format
Name Version ZIP
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-capabilities
https://wms.inspire.geoportail.lu/geoserver/ef/wms?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities EF.EnvironmentalMonitoringProgrammes_Strukturguetekartierung_2015_7_stufige_Bewertung
- Units of distribution
- Transfer size
- 10212714
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download
https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/r/c488d4fc-2c68-4374-886f-99285972062e eau-strukturguetekartierung-2015-7-stufige-bewert.geojson
- Units of distribution
- Transfer size
- 2391496
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download
https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/r/f24c6b98-7c35-45ae-9552-5617543d8b6c eau-strukturguetekartierung-2015-7-stufige-bewert-shp.zip
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name https://map.geoportail.lu/theme/main?version=3&zoom=8&X=667917&Y=6394482&lang=en&layers=759&opacities=1&bgLayer=basemap_2015_global
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM Syndication Format
https://catalog.inspire.geoportail.lu/geonetwork/srv/atom/describe/service?uuid=c46479ea-e279-4a45-aef2-c4e59379fa85 EF - Download Service
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
See cited Commission Regulation.
- Pass
- No
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-01-20
- Explanation
See cited Commission Regulation.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2009-11-09
- Explanation
See cited Commission Regulation.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
no information available
- File identifier
- 63d25485-556e-4648-991a-dd57a9e3dd3c XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2024-08-20T14:39:10Z
- Metadata standard name
INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules
- Metadata standard version
Technical Guidelines for implementing dataset and service metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:2007 (Version 2.0.1)
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Open Data Portal
Distributor Administration du cadastre et de la topographie
Bernard Reisch and Jeff Konnen
Point of contact