The 2021 Census was carried out from 13 September to 14 November 2021 according to the situation as on 31 August 2021 at midnight. The first Census phase, Computer assisted web interview, was carried out from 13 September to 27 September in which citizens were able to enumerate themselves and all members of their household. The second phase, Computer assisted personal interview, was carried out from 28 September to 14 November.
There were 3 enumeration units: persons, households and dwellings.
The number of enumerators was 7652 and the number of controllers (supervisers of enumerators) was 1038.
The Census questionnaire consisted of identification data, data on households, data on dwellings and data on persons.
The legal framework for the conduction of the 2021 Population Census in Croatia was the Act on the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Croatia in 2021. The Act was adopted by the Croatian Parliament in February 2020, and is harmonized with the Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 and 712/2017.
The State Geodetic Administration was in charge for the updating and preparing the lists of spatial units and cartographic materials.
The preliminary 2021 Census results were published on 14 January 2022 (the total number of population, households and dwellings).
The total census budget was approximately 23 million euros.
- Date (Creation)
- 2021-01-01
- Citation identifier
- gisco-services / https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/CENSUS_INS21ES_A_HR_2021_0000
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Social Statistics Sector - Population Statistics
- Keywords
EUROSTAT metadata
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Distance
- 1000 metres
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Society
- Begin date
- 2021-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
- Distribution format
Name Version Geopackage file(.gpkg)
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WMTS
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/cmaps/service?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMTS ViewService (WMTS) of the Census 2021 data
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/HR_PD_3035_CSV.zip The compressed resource (CSV) file contains data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/HR_PD_3035_GML.zip The compressed resource (GML) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/HR_PD_3035_GPKG.zip The compressed resource (GPKG) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/HR_PD_3035_SDMX.zip The compressed resource (SDMX) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/PD.atom Downloadservice (ATOM-Feed) of all the various packages
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
This data set is conformant with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for the interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
Methodology Instructions 'Census of population, households and dwellings 2021', CBS, Zagreb, 2021
As an integral part of the methodology used to regulate the content of the Census data, the National Bureau of Statistics prepared Methodological Instructions. They were intended for coordinators, instructors, controllers and enumerators.
The instructions contained the definitions of all characteristics that were collected for each Census unit and descriptions on how to enter the answers or filled out the questionnaire.
As a part of the preparatory work for the 2021 Census, the Pilot Census was carried out in march 2021 in order to test methodological and IT solutions.
The first Census phase, Computer assisted web interview, was carried out from 13 September to 27 September in which citizens were able to enumerate themselves and all members of their household.
The second phase, Computer assisted personal interview, was carried out from 28 September to 14 November. This second phase was extended twice, from 18 to 29 October – and then for the second time to 14. November.
There were 3 enumeration units: population, households and dwellings.
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics planned to conduct the Post-Enumeration Survey immediately after the 2021 Census, but it was finally decided that it would not be carried out due to the significant deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Croatia.
Before enumeration started, general public had been informed through communication channels. Also, CBS established Call Center and web page specifically designed for the Census. The web page included answers to frequently asked questions, census questionnaires as well as legal documents.
2021 Census was prepared, organised and executed by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. The State Geodetic Administration was responsible for preparing the list of spatial units and descriptive cartographic materials.
For the purpose of preparation, organisation and execution of the 2021 Census in the field, the following bodies were set up hierarchically: county census committees, census committees in town/municipalities. Within the area of their competence, mentioned bodies set up census centers and nominated and/or appointed participants of 2021 Census (enumerators and controllers (supervisors)).
Out in the field there were 7652 enumerators, 1038 controllers (enumerators' supervisors), about 175 instructors, as well as 45 county coordinators. Additional participants include members of county census committees, census committees in towns/municipalities and members of census centers.
After the enumeration on the field had finished, census material (laptops) were transported and stored in one place. Early in 2022 data processing started.Data validation started at the beginning of enumeration in sense that controllers (enumerators’ supervisors) daily checked questionnaires filled in by enumerator and made corrections in case of inconsistency or mistake. Also, random checks of census questionnaires were done by instructors and coordinators during entire period of enumeration.
Data verification in census application ensured the quality of the collected data in the following way:
a) By blocking the completion of the questionnaire by pointing out the errors, or
b) By warning about any illogicality in the data, but without blocking the continuation and completion of the Census questionnaires. The data verification rules were specified for each question and for each offered response or free response input value. There were several types of data verification: mandatory or optional questions; interdependence of questions or so-called skips – certain questions were answered depending on previous answers; interdependence of offered answers – answers depending on previous answers were offered to certain questions; structural checks – e.g., number entries, letter entries, correct date of birth entries, correct OIB entries according to mod 11, 10 rules, etc.; content checks – e.g., a person gave contradictory answers to two related questions. All data verification rules were activated immediately after entering the answer. Warnings and errors were displayed after entering and saving the answer, as well as viewing the questionnaires in the CMS.
The system recognised two levels of incorrect input, or errors, that could have occurred during the input by users:
1) Warning, “minor error” (e.g., the respondent entered information that was structurally all right, but semantically it seemed incorrect or unlikely: he stated that he had an apartment of 80 m2 and that he had 10 rooms);
2) Error, “major error” (e.g. the user did not answer the question; the user gave two answers in the questionnaire that were in direct contradiction, etc.). The “warning” referred to errors that were not critical and did not block further use of the system, but encouraged the user to check their entry. The “errors” related to cases in which the system did not allow its usage until the errors had been corrected.
Data validation continue through data processing system starting with manual checks (checking whether all addresses are comprised). Many corrections are done automatically using automated editing.
Processing phase is still in progress.
Final data validation will refer to analysing numerous tables through cross-variables checks. Those tables will be analysed by experienced CBS staff and, if necessary, inconsistencies will be corrected on micro-level.
There are no particular reasons for data unreliability for this topicData confidentiality is regulated by:
-the Act on the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Croatia 2021 (Official Gazette No. 25/20 and 34/21),
-the Official Statistics Act (Official Gazette, Nos. 25/20 from 14 March 2020),
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016
- 1 km² grid data items on total population shall not be reported as confidential;under the provisions specified in Article6(2) of CommissionImplementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1799 of 21November 2018
-As regards data confidentiality on lower territorial levels (settlements, statistical areas, enumeration areas) specific rules were determined considering population number, type of variable, frequencies, etc
- File identifier
- CENSUS_INS21ES_A_HR_2021_0000 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2022-12-30T09:00:00
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Social Statistics Sector - Population Statistics
Point of contact