The Census of Population and Housing is a form of national stocktaking which provides a complete count of the population and living quarters. It is one of the oldest and most reliable sources of information about the count, characteristics, composition, and condition of the population in a country.
The Census covers a wide spectrum of variables including the size of the population, age structure, citizenships and nationalities, educational attainment, economic activity, disability, housing, and household amenities as well as other major socio-economic characteristics.
Census results influence a number of aspects of Maltese life: public policymaking; options and decisions of families and households; choices made by the elderly; initiatives and investments by the business sector and streams of research and development.
For the first time, the enumeration process during the 2021 Census of Population and Housing, included geocoding of all dwellings at a single point reference to study Census results mapped to a 1 square kilometre grid. This allowed the compilation of grid data, being the first-ever geospatial census results issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO).
- Date (Creation)
- 2021-01-01
- Citation identifier
- gisco-services / https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/CENSUS_INS21ES_A_MT_2021_0000
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role National Statistics Office, Malta, Methodology and Quality Unit
- Keywords
EUROSTAT metadata
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Distance
- 1000 metres
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Society
- Begin date
- 2021-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
- Distribution format
Name Version Geopackage file(.gpkg)
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WMTS
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/cmaps/service?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMTS ViewService (WMTS) of the Census 2021 data
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/MT_PD_3035_CSV.zip The compressed resource (CSV) file contains data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/MT_PD_3035_GML.zip The compressed resource (GML) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/MT_PD_3035_GPKG.zip The compressed resource (GPKG) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/MT_PD_3035_SDMX.zip The compressed resource (SDMX) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/PD.atom Downloadservice (ATOM-Feed) of all the various packages
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
This data set is conformant with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for the interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
Work processes and procedures for the compilation of the Population and Housing Census are documented in a standardised reporting template and aligned to the Generic Statistical Business Process (GSBPM) model. The model covers all phases of the statistical production process, from the initial stages of identifying what statistics are needed and the scope of the particular survey, to the final stages of dissemination and evaluation. This documentation is only available internally and may be accessed by all NSO employees. All processes for the compilation of the Population and Housing Census are aligned to requirements as stipulated by the legal Acts mentioned above (in concept 6).For the first time, people had the option to fill-in the census questionnaire through an online form which was accessible to the public from October 2021. Nearly 230,000 dwellings received an official letter with the login credentials via post in September 2021. In a step towards a fully digitalised census, enumerators visiting dwellings recorded the information on tablet computers, rather than traditional paper questionnaires. Data collection by means of telephone was also possible. An application available on the tablet devices allowed the enumerators to identify any dwellings which did not submit the questionnaire online so that they could assist them in the process or fill out the form on their behalf. The synchronisation of multiple systems occurred overnight to ensure a smooth running of the process. Data collection from the field or by telephone was carried out between 8 and 28 November 2021. The enumeration process in certain areas was also extended till 15 December 2021.A number of in-built validations were included in the data-entry program, on the tablet devices, for enumerators to ensure that the data on behalf of respondents was collected as required. Among others, validation rules allowed skip patterns to be executed as intended. Available administrative sources and survey registers were used in order to improve the consistency of recorded data as well as for benchmarking purposes.There are no particular reasons for data unreliability for the topics contained in the transmitted population grid data.The NSO requests information for the compilation of official statistics according to the articles of the https://msa.gov.mt//en/legislation_and_policy/documents/malta_statistics_authority_act.pdf MSA Act – Cap. 422 and the https://idpc.org.mt/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CAP-586.pdf Data Protection Act – Cap. 586 of the Laws of Malta implementing the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Article 40 of the https://msa.gov.mt//en/legislation_and_policy/documents/malta_statistics_authority_act.pdf MSA Act stipulates the restrictions on the use of information while Article 41 stipulates the prohibition of disclosure of information. Furthermore, Section IX of the https://msa.gov.mt//en/legislation_and_policy/documents/malta_statistics_authority_act.pdf" MSA Act (Offences and Penalties) lays down the measures to be taken in case of unlawful exercise of any officer of statistics regarding confidentiality of data. Since its inception, the NSO has always assured that all data collected remains confidential and that it is used for statistical purposes only according to the articles and derogations stipulated in the laws quoted above. The Office is obliged to protect the identify of data providers and refrain from divulging any data to third parties that might lead to the identification of persons or entities. An internal policy on anonymisation and pseudo-anonymisation is in place to ascertain that adequate methods are used for the protection of data which the office collects and shares with the public in its capacity as the National Statistics Office. The policy is meant to safeguard confidentiality of both personal and business data entrusted to the NSO. The document provides guidance for all NSO employees who process data on a daily basis as to how anonymisation and pseudo-anonymisation methods should be applied. The policy applies to all confidential, restricted and internal information, regardless of form (paper or electronic documents, applications and databases) that is received, processed, stored and disseminated by the NSO.Grid cells with too few counts at total level (less than 3) had underlying sub-totals flagged for confidentiality. In line with requirements of Article 6 in https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018R1799&from=EN" Regulation (EU) 2018/1799, data items on total population were not reported as confidential.
- File identifier
- CENSUS_INS21ES_A_MT_2021_0000 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2022-12-28T09:00:00
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role National Statistics Office, Malta, Methodology and Quality Unit
Point of contact