Total population in 1km2 grid by sex, age groups, employed persons, place of birth, place of usual residence one year prior to the census
- Date (Creation)
- 2021-01-01
- Citation identifier
- gisco-services / https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/CENSUS_INS21ES_A_PL_2021_0000
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Statistics Poland, Demographic Surveys Department
- Keywords
EUROSTAT metadata
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Distance
- 1000 metres
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Society
- Begin date
- 2021-01-01
- Reference system identifier
- ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
- Distribution format
Name Version Geopackage file(.gpkg)
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WMTS
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/cmaps/service?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMTS ViewService (WMTS) of the Census 2021 data
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/PL_PD_3035_CSV.zip The compressed resource (CSV) file contains data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/PL_PD_3035_GML.zip The compressed resource (GML) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/PL_PD_3035_GPKG.zip The compressed resource (GPKG) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/Data/PL_PD_3035_SDMX.zip The compressed resource (SDMX) file contains spatial data and metadata
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/census/2021/INSPIRE/PD.atom Downloadservice (ATOM-Feed) of all the various packages
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
This data set is conformant with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for the interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
The methodology used for the 2021 National Census was disseminated in the publication "National Census of Population and Housing 2021. Methodology and organization of the survey."
Selected methodological aspects regarding the Population and Housing Census in 2021, taking into account the objectives of the census, legal grounds, method of conducting the census, scope of data and data sources, thematic scope and dissemination of data are available in the publication "National Population and Housing Census 2021 Research methodology and organization" on the website: It is available online: https://stat.gov.pl/en/national-census/national-population-and-housing-census-2021/national-population-and-housing-census-2021/national-population-and-housing-census-2021-research-methodology-and-organization,3,1.html https://stat.gov.pl/en/national-census/national-population-and-housing-census-2021/national-population-and-housing-census-2021/national-population-and-housing-census-2021-research-methodology-and-organization,3,1.html
For internal needs of persons involved in census work, the "Methodological Instruction for the National Census of Population and Housing in 2021" (2021) was developed.
In addition, an instruction for the online self-enumeration was also developed, which was a document for external use by persons who carried out the census on their own by using the census application available on the website dedicated to 2021 CENSUS. The document was developed in several language versions, i.e. in addition to the version in Polish, the website also contains a document in English, Ukrainian and Russian.The 2021 Population and Housing Census was implemented by a mixed method, i.e. using data from administrative sources and data collected from respondents.
For most census topics, the source of data was information obtained from the electronic census application. Data from registers and administrative systems were used complementary, in the absence of information from respondents. However, for selected topics, such as: sex, age, marital status, country of birth and country of citizenship were the primary source of data from administrative registers due to their legal confirmation.
According to the provisions of the Act on the National Census of Population and Housing 2021, participation in the census was mandatory and respondents were obliged to provide accurate, comprehensive and truthful answers. Adults, living together with them, were obliged to reply about minors and persons absent. The mandatory form of participation in the census was an online self-scription, while the complementary methods were telephone or direct interviews, carried out by census inspectors. In the case of contact of the census inspector with the respondent who had not made an online self-script by the time of this contact, it became mandatory to give an interview to the countmaster.
The data collection process is described in detail in the full metadata report CENSUS_21NESMA_A_PL_2021_0000 of March 2024 (point. 18.3)The data processed throughout the entire census operation were monitored and validated at every stage, from the collection of source data to the development of resulting information. In the case of source data coming from the electronic application, they were checked during their entry by the respondent using developed validation rules. These rules enforced the respondent to answer mandatory questions and checked the consistency of the answers given with the responses to previous questions.
For data collected in the electronic application, a completeness indicator was determined for filling in information for a given person, and based on this indicator, a record was selected when a person was enumerated more than once, i.e., they completed a self-enumeration and additionally were enumerated by another respondent.
In the case of data from administrative sources, after their transfer by the manager, the compliance of the data range with the scope described in the Act on the National Census of Population and Housing in 2021 was checked. The range of values for the transferred variables was also checked. A completeness indicator for filling in each of the transferred variables was also determined. The results of the checks in the form of post-control reports were the basis for assessing whether the set could be further processed or should be transferred by the manager again after providing additional explanations from their side.
In the case of developing resulting variables, validation elements were included in the variable derivation algorithm. An example could be age and variables related to economic activity topics. Deriving each variable value first required checking whether the person is 15 years old or more. Some variables, such as variables from the area of families, required checking relationships between person records to correctly identify families, assign them the appropriate family type, and determine the appropriate position in the family.
After the development of the resulting variables, data validation was also performed, which involved checking the range of calculated values and their consistency with the values of other variables, e.g., whether a person with the marital status of single does not form a family of the marriage type.
Data control also took place after the calculation of the resulting tables intended for publication. It concerned the control of values that were repeated in individual tables, most often in the form of aggregated data, e.g., in the columns and rows "Total".
Place of usual residence / Place of usual residence (GEO)
The data produced within the topic: Place of usual residence are as defined in Regulation 2017/543
The resident population has been derived based on information on the place of usual residence, the nature of residence and the length of time individuals have been resident. This means that residents include:
(a) permanent residents, with the exception of persons residing outside their place of residence for a period of at least 12 months regardless of their place of residence at home or abroad;
(b) persons residing temporarily for at least 12 months, arriving from elsewhere in the country or from abroad.
Students were recognised as residents in their place (municipality) of study, in the case of studies abroad they were not counted as residents of Poland. Foreigners studying in Poland were included as residents of Poland.
Young people studying in secondary schools were counted as residents of the municipality of permanent residence (family home) regardless of the location of the school.
Homeless persons were counted as residents of the municipality in which they were enumerated.
Permanent residents of Poland residing in collective living quarters (CLQs) were enumerated as residents of the municipality in which the CLQs was located. Foreigners residing in CLQs were considered residents if their actual or intended period of residence was at least 1 year, if it was less than 12 months then they were not considered residents of Poland.
Soldiers and persons on military missions and diplomats and their families remained residents of Poland.
Sex (SEX)
Data compiled under the topic Sex (total, male, female) are as defined in Regulation 2017/543
Age (AGE)
Data to be compiled by topic Age attained in completed years of life at reference date (less than 15 years, 15 to 64 years, 65 years and over): are as defined in Regulation 2017/543
Current activity status (CAS)
The data provided in the topic Current activity status is consistent with the definition contained in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/543.
Country/place of birth (POB)
The data to be provided for the topic of Place of Birth (in the reporting country, in another EU Member State, elsewhere) are as defined in Regulation 2017/543.
Place of usual residence one year prior to the census (ROY)
The data to be provided for the topic Place of residence one year before the census (Usual residence unchanged, move within the reporting country, move from outside the reporting country) are as defined in Regulation 2017/543.
Personal data, from the moment they are collected directly from respondents or from information systems of public administration and official registers or non-public information systems for the purpose of performing tasks specified in the Act on Official Statistics (including census administration), are treated as statistical data and are handled to ensure statistical confidentiality. In the course of preparations for the 2021 Census, personal data were obtained from entities obliged to provide data to the President of Statistics Poland in the course of census administration (a detailed list of such entities is included in Annex 2 to the Act on the 2021 Census). Personal data can only be processed in compliance with the need-to-know principle by persons authorized by Data Administrators.
In Poland, ensuring confidentiality of information about natural persons is one of the key principles for handling data collected during statistical surveys, including the census. The obligation to maintain statistical confidentiality of official statistics is specified in the Act on Official Statistics. Consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2021, item 955:
Art. 10: “Identifiable individual data collected in statistical surveys require absolute protection. Such data may only be used to prepare statistical studies, compilations and analyses, and to create sampling frames for statistical surveys; it is prohibited to release such data or use them for purposes other than those specified in this act (statistical confidentiality)”.
Art. 35: “It is prohibited to use such data for purposes other than those specified in the Act, in particular to make decisions regarding a specific natural person.”
Art. 38: "1. Identifiable unit data obtained in statistical surveys may not be published or released for public use.”
The basic confidentiality regulations are described above. In addition, there is also “A policy for handling statistical data”, introduced by virtue of an internal regulation No. 32 issued by the President of Statistics Poland on December 4, 2020. It includes regulations and recommendations regarding the specification of needs regarding statistical data, survey design, construction and modification of systems and applications used in the process of statistical production, data collection, processing, analysis and release as well as the evaluation of obtained information.As already mentioned, the rules for how to process data to ensure confidentiality of statistical information and how to prevent unauthorized disclosure are included in the documents listed above.
In the work currently underway, the starting point is the 3-anonymity rule for frequency tables, which is stipulated in the act on official statistics. It means that a confidential cell with the risk of primary disclosure is one that includes fewer than three units. Cells with the risk of primary disclosure are suppressed. Cells with the risk of secondary disclosure are those that need to remain zero or those in which the relevant row/column contains at least one cell with the risk of primary disclosure. In the work involving data on the resident population broken down by sex, age and 1km-grid, in the case of age groups cells with the risk of secondary disclosure were suppressed at random – based on the distribution of age groups in the population. For the population dataset broken down by commune of residence, sex, age, place of birth and place of residence one year before the census, the method of targeted record swapping is being tested, which was used to swap territorial codes of communes or grid identifiers (the 1km-grid data set was treated as microdata).
- File identifier
- CENSUS_INS21ES_A_PL_2021_0000 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-03-28T09:00:00
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Statistics Poland, Demographic Surveys Department
Point of contact