INSPIRE theme Buildings (BU)
Dataset for the theme Buildings (BU) harmonised according to the INSPIRE Directive and ELF Data Specification version 1.0. Data contains buildings and building parts. Building parts necessary for INSPIRE implementation are represented by entrances and come from RÚIAN. Entrances contain technical-economical attributes and other information. The data set covers the whole area of the Czech Republic. It is provided as Open Data (licence CC-BY 4.0). Data comes primarily from the project RÚIAN (Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates) and partly from ISKN (Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates). .41%, i.e. 17542 of buildings do not contain centroid or polygon (to 2024-08-19) and therefore are not included in the dataset. Data is created daily via individual municipalities (if any change within the municipality occurs), provided in the GML 3.2.1 format and is valid against XML Definition Schema for the theme Buildings in version 4.0. Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading. More in the Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, in Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the Basic Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates in the current versions, in the Act No. 256/2013 Coll., on Real Estate Cadastre, in Decree No. 357/2013 Coll., on Real Estate Cadastre and in the INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 from 2013-12-13.
- Alternate title
- Alternate title
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-08-23
- Date (Creation)
- 2015-10-27
- Citation identifier
- CZ-00025712-CUZK_BU / BU.SD.557111
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Point of contact
- Other citation details
- Gestor
- Purpose
Part INSPIRE theme Buildings data comes from the The register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates (RÚIAN), which was built for the purpose of sharing reference data on territorial elements , land registration units and addresses for the need of public administration in the Czech Republic. It was officially launched on the 1st July 2012, together with other basic registers. It was created on a data from UIR-ADR (land identification register administered by the MPSV), RSO (Register of Enumeration Districts and Buildings managed by the CSO) and ISKN (Land Registry Information System managed by COSMC). RÚIAN is continuously updated. The change files are generated daily and state files are generated monthly in the Ruian Exchange Format (VFR). Continuous updates are provided by statutory editors. For data in INSPIRE AD data serie that are municipalities, building authorities and COSMC - in accordance with Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers and Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the basic register territorial identification, addresses and real estates. Editor of post codes is COSMC, which makes changes on the basis of data from the Czech Post. The other part comes from the Information system of cadastre of real estates, that contains information about the Cadastre of real estates of the Czech Republic.
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Continual
- Maintenance note
Pre-defined datasets are generated daily. Data purchased by WMS or WFS services are updated in hours.
- Terminological Dictionary of Land Surveying and Cadastre of Real Estate
- house number, building number
- registration number (of country cottage)
- centroid, centroid point, label point
- geographical information, geoinformation, geospatial information
- geography markup language (GML)
- immovables, real estate, real property
- plot, lot, land
- building
- information system of the cadastre of real estates
- Keywords
The register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates (RÚIAN)
information system of territorial identification (ISÚI)
house number
building part
technical-economical attributes
building object
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations to public access
- Other constraints
- Dataset published in the National Catalogue of Open Data
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Other constraints
- Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
- Other constraints
Public access is not rescticted and is provided in accordance with Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates and law 123/1998 Sb., on the right to information about the environment.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 1000
- Language
- cze
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Structure
- Description
100% area of the Czech Republic, i.e. 78 870 km2 (to 31st December 2016)
- Unique resource identifier
- ČR
- Unique resource identifier
- Unique resource identifier
- Distribution format
Name Version GML 3.2.1
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
- Fees
No fees
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- Series
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- CZ-00025712-CUZK_SERIES_BU-DQ_DomainConsistency-1
Conformance result
- Alternate title
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
Data set series conformity testing with INSPIRE implementing rules for spatial data sets and services interoperability.
- Pass
- Yes
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- CZ-00025712-CUZK_BU-DQ_DomainConsistency-2
Conformance result
- Title
INSPIRE data specification on theme Buildings version 3.0.
- Date (Publication)
- 2013-12-10
- Explanation
BU data set series conformity testing with INSPIRE data specification on Buildings by the validity check against the XML schema definition for the INSPIRE theme Buildings in the version 4.0.
- Pass
- Yes
Domain consistency
- Measure identification
- CZ-00025712-CUZK_BU-DQ_DomainConsistency-3
Conformance result
- Title
ELF Data Specification for topographic and administrative reference data at all levels of detail – v. 1.0
- Date (Publication)
- 2016-03-24
- Explanation
BU data set series conformity testing with ELF data specification in the version 1.0.
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
Part INSPIRE theme Buildings data comes from the The register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates (RÚIAN), which was built for the purpose of sharing reference data on territorial elements , land registration units and addresses for the need of public administration in the Czech Republic. It was officially launched on the 1st July 2012, together with other basic registers. It was created on a data from UIR-ADR (land identification register administered by the MPSV), RSO (Register of Enumeration Districts and Buildings managed by the CSO) and ISKN (Land Registry Information System managed by COSMC). RÚIAN is continuously updated. The change files are generated daily and state files are generated monthly in the Ruian Exchange Format (VFR). Continuous updates are provided by statutory editors. For data in INSPIRE AD data serie that are municipalities, building authorities and COSMC - in accordance with Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers and Decree No. 359/2011 Coll., on the basic register territorial identification, addresses and real estates. Editor of post codes is COSMC, which makes changes on the basis of data from the Czech Post. The other part comes from the Information system of cadastre of real estates, that contains information about the Cadastre of real estates of the Czech Republic.
- File identifier
- Metadata language
- cze
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Series
- Hierarchy level name
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2024-08-23
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English UTF8