Mapa Hidrogeológico a escala 1:200.000 digital continuo de España
The continuous Hydrogeological Map of Spain in digital format at a scale of 1:200,000 is based on the Lithostratigraphic and Permeability Map of Spain, continuous at a scale of 1:200,000 and represents the mapped lithostratigraphic levels, grouped by range of permeability and the associated lithologies, and represented with a certain colour and tone, so that it is possible to visualise the areas associated with the different aquifers on the map. Blue colours represent porous aquifers, green colours represent fissured or karstic aquifers and brown colours represent impermeable or low permeability formations. Productivity is represented by the tone, in the case of permeable formations, dark tones indicate greater productivity and in the case of impermeable formations indicate greater impermeability. For the preparation of the Hydrogeological Map, once it had been verified that the formations that make up the main aquifers were cartographically differentiated on the Lithostratigraphic and Permeability Map of Spain, a hydrogeological legend was drawn up, grouping them according to their permeability, geometry, hydraulic relationship and hydrogeological functioning. This work was carried out taking into account the existing information on the different aquifers in Spain as well as the groundwater bodies defined in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The continuous Hydrogeological Map of Spain in digital format at a scale of 1:200,000,000 arises from the need for a continuous map of the entire national territory on which to capture the information and distribution of the groundwater bodies (m.a.s). This cartography is adapted to the hydrographic network and the shadow model made by CEDEX, at a scale of 1:20,000, from the topographic base, at a scale of 1:50,000, of the Army Cartographic Service. The cartographic information is referenced to coordinates in UTM projection, European Datum, zone 30, except for the Canary Islands, which is referenced to zone 28. The Hydrogeological Map is made up of a polygonal layer of cartographic units (LPLIT) and the external tables Hidro.dat and Descrip_hidro.dat. The format of the information generated is Shape file.
- Alternate title
Hidrogeológico 200 digital continuo
- Date (Creation)
- 2009-04-21
- Date (Publication)
- 2009-08-05
- Edition
1ª Edición
- Edition date
- 2009-01-01
- Citation identifier
Identification of the Geological Survey of Spain. Documentation Centre 1979-01-01 creation
- Citation identifier
- IGME / Hidrogeologia
- Presentation form
- Hardcopy map
- Presentation form
- Hardcopy document
- Presentation form
- Digital document
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Purpose
Hydrogeological information and maps are needed to define and delimit groundwater bodies with greater precision, so that this information makes it possible to: indicate the location and limits of groundwater bodies, define the general characteristics of the overlying strata of the catchment area, sources of contamination, etc. And to carry out additional characterisation of the m.a.s. at risk where it is necessary to establish their recharge areas, the characteristics of the chemical composition of the waters, the location of groundwater abstraction points, protected areas and their characteristics. This map was prepared by means of a "Collaboration Agreement between the Ministry of the Environment (General Secretariat for Territory and Biodiversity. Directorate General for Water) and theGeological Survey of Spain for carrying out technical work in relation to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive on groundwater'' signed in 2004.
- Credit
Director, project coordinator: Miguel del Pozo Gómez (IGME), Vicente Fabregat Ventura (IGME), Supervisors, IGME technical-scientific staff, Contributors, IGME technical-scientific staff, EPTISA technical-scientific staff, Carried out through a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and the IGME.
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Mejías Moreno, Miguel
Point of contact
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
IGME Thesaurus
General geology
Hydrology, Hydrogeology
Physical and chemical properties
physical property
Hydrology, Hydrogeology
hydrogeological map
Hydrology, Hydrogeology
- Keywords
- Keywords
Groundwater body
- Keywords
- Keywords
Digital cartography
HYDROSPHERE (freshwater, seawater, waters)
water (geography)
- Specific usage
It aims to contribute to compliance with the Water Framework Directive and responds to the need to know the distribution of groundwater bodies in the national territory.
- User contact info
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Point of contact
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Sin limitaciones al acceso público.
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Title
Lithostatrigraphic map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000, continuous
- Date (Publication)
- 2007-09-30
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Point of contact
- Aggregate Datasetindentifier
- 637841
- Association Type
- Larger work citation
- Title
Permeability Map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000, continuous
- Date (Publication)
- 2007-09-30
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Point of contact
- Aggregate Datasetindentifier
- 637842
- Association Type
- Larger work citation
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 200000
- Language
- Spanish; Castilian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Supplemental Information
The document "Preparation of the hydrogeological map of Spain at a scale of 1:200,000, continuous and in digital format" (2009) can be consulted in the Documentation Service, where the process of preparation and description of the information prepared is described in a precise manner. It has a consultation application and a map viewer, as well as geological and cartographic information, tables, symbology libraries and map compositions.
- Unique resource identifier
- ETRS89 coordenadas geográficas
- Unique resource identifier
- ED50 / UTM zone 30N
- Unique resource identifier
- ED50 / UTM zone 28N Pico de las Nieves
- Distribution format
Name Version Shapefile (.shp)
Mapa digital: JPEG -Joint Photographic Group Format -
Servicio web: WMS - Web Map Service
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
- Distributor format
Name Version Mapa digital: SHP - ArcView ShapeFile
Mapa digital: JPEG -Joint Photographic Group Format
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Documentation Centre of Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
- Distributor format
Name Version Mapa en papel
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Technical Vice-Directorate of Geological Information Systems of the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
- Distributor format
Name Version Servicio web: WMS - Web Map Service
- Units of distribution
The Hydrogeological map of Spain is composed of: Cartographic units (LPLIT): Lithological polygonal enclosures with the cartographic units coded according to the FH field. Each enclosure or polygon has a numerical code corresponding to the geological formation according to the lithostratigraphic column (FH). Two external tables: Hidro.dat, which assigns to each lithostratigraphic unit (FH) the corresponding hydrogeological code according to type of formation and permeability (COD_HIDRO). This code will be used for the graphic representation of the information. Y Descrip_hidro.dat. Relates each lithostratigraphic formation (FH) with its corresponding formation after grouping according to hydrogeological criteria (C_HD).
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name OGC Web Map Service WMS visualisation service of the Hydrogeological Map of Spain at scale 1:200.000
ATOM Syndication Format Download service (ATOM Feed) for Hydrogeological Map of Spain at scale 1:200.000 Download the Hydrogeological Map of Spain at scale 1:200.000
- Name
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Completeness commission
- Name of measure
Duplicate phenomena
- Measure description
Geometric and topological control using GIS application tools.
Conformance result
- Title
Geometric and topological control using GIS application tools.
- Date (Publication)
- 2009-08-05
Citation identifier
- Explanation
Digital comparative validation and visual comparative check of the original map and the digitised map. Validation with error rate & 1%.
- Pass
- Yes
Completeness omission
- Name of measure
Lack of phenomena
- Measure description
Visual spot check and cross-checking of spatial information with attribute tables.
Conformance result
- Title
Visual spot check and cross-checking of spatial information with attribute tables
- Date (Publication)
- 2009-08-05
Citation identifier
- Explanation
Digital comparative validation and visual comparative check of the original map and the digitised map. Validation with error rate & 1%.
- Pass
- Yes
Conceptual consistency
- Name of measure
Degree of approximation of the digital data with the conceptual model. Distribution of phenomena in classes.
- Measure description
Manual verification
Conformance result
- Title
Hydrogeological mapping data model at a scale of 1:200,000 in digital format.
- Date (Publication)
- 2003-01-01
Citation identifier
- Explanation
Check that the digital information is consistent with the standards that conceptually define it. Consult the standard
- Pass
- Yes
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
Degree of approximation of the digital data with the conceptual model. Relationships between phenomena
- Measure description
Automatic verification
Conformance result
- Title
Hydrogeological mapping data model at a scale of 1:200,000 in digital format.
- Date (Publication)
- 2003-01-01
- Explanation
Check that the digital information is in accordance with the standards. Consult the standard
- Pass
- Yes
Format consistency
- Name of measure
Grado de aproximación de los datos a la estructura física establecida
- Measure description
Automatic verification
Conformance result
- Title
Specifications for the digitisation of hydrogeological mapping.
- Date (Publication)
- 2003-01-01
- Explanation
Check that the digital information is in accordance with the standards. Consult the standard
- Pass
- Yes
Non quantitative attribute accuracy
- Name of measure
Absence of errors in the assignment of values
- Measure description
Comparative study with source information
Conformance result
- Title
Specifications for the digitalisation of the MAGNA geological cartography. Rules for the organisation of the information of the digital National Geomorphological Map.
- Date (Revision)
- 2012-02-01
- Explanation
Digital comparative validation and comparative visual check of the original map and the digitised map. Error rate & 1%.
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
Conformance result
- Statement
The map is based on the lithostratigraphic map and the permeability map of Spain at a scale of 1:200,000, both continuous and digital. From the information on these maps, two processes can be distinguished that give rise to the hydrogeological map. Preparation of the hydrogeological legend: this groups the different cartographic formations according to their permeabilities, geometry, hydraulic relationship and hydrogeological functioning. This work was carried out taking into account both the existing information on the different aquifers in Spain, especially the cartographic information and that relating to geometry and hydrogeological functioning, and the groundwater bodies defined in each of the basins of the national territory. With this grouping, the 436 existing lithostratigraphic formations are reduced to 182 hydrogeological formations. Once the hydrogeological grouping was achieved, each of the original lithostratigraphic formations was assigned a hydrogeological code similar to that used in the "International Hydrogeological Map of Europe 1:1,500,000". This code was established, in a simplified form, according to permeability and lithology and was represented with a certain colour and tone to allow the areas associated with the different underground aquifers to be visualised on the Hydrogeological Map. Preparation of the hydrogeological map: Each lithostratigraphic unit was assigned the corresponding hydrogeological code as specified in the previous legend. In this way, when represented on the 1:200,000 map, both the impermeable formations and the detritic or carbonate formations can be seen, which allows the hydrogeological domains to be distinguished.
- Description
Creation of the lithostratigraphic map: 1.- Zoning of the territory according to fundamentally geological and hydrogeological criteria. 2. Zonal legend 4.- Zonal mapping 5.- Conformation of zones (cases) 6.- Lithostratigraphic legend 7.- Lithostratigraphic Map
- Description
Realisation of the Permeability Map: 1.- Legend of permeabilities, 2.
- Description
Elaboration of the Hydrogeological Map legend: It groups the different cartographic formations according to their permeability, geometry, hydraulic relationship and hydrogeological functioning. This work was carried out taking into account both the existing information on the different aquifers in Spain, especially the cartographic information and that relating to geometry and hydrogeological functioning, and the groundwater bodies defined in each of the basins of the national territory. With this grouping, the 436 existing lithostratigraphic formations are reduced to 182 hydrogeological formations. Once the hydrogeological grouping was achieved, each of the original lithostratigraphic formations was assigned a hydrogeological code similar to that used in the "International Hydrogeological Map of Europe 1:1,500,000". This code was established, in a simplified form, according to permeability and lithology and was represented with a certain colour and tone to allow the areas associated with the different underground aquifers to be visualised on the Hydrogeological Map.
- Description
Elaboration of the Hydrogeological Map: The corresponding hydrogeological code is assigned as specified in the previous legend. In this way, when represented on the 1:200,000 map, both the impermeable formations and the detritic or carbonate formations can be seen, which allows the hydrogeological domains to be distinguished. To complete and facilitate consultation and understanding of the hydrogeological and permeability map, the following elements of hydrogeological interest were represented on them: groundwater bodies and surface water bodies (significant drainage network, lakes and reservoirs). All of them sent to Brussels in March 2007 for article 5 of the Water Framework Directive. River Basin Districts (land area only). Sent to Brussels in March 2007 for Article 3 of the Water Framework Directive. Hydrographic demarcation boundary between Júcar and Guadiana approved according to OM BOE 30 December 2008. Groundwater monitoring stations of the Ministry of the Environment, differentiating them according to their nature (spring, well, borehole or other) and their belonging to the following networks: Monitoring of quantitative status, Monitoring of chemical status. Operational network, Monitoring of chemical status. Surveillance network, EIONET-WATER International Monitoring Network and Monitoring of areas designated for the control of water intended for human consumption.
- Description
Computer processing: Integration of all the information in a Geographic Information System, establishing criteria on the characteristics of the data and its scope.
- Denominator
- 200000
- Title
Lithostratigraphic Map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000 continuous
- Date (Publication)
- 2007-09-30
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role IGME
Originator IGME
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Presentation form
- Digital table
- Denominator
- 200000
- Title
Map of Permeabilities of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000 continuous
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-09-30
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role IGME
Originator IGME
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Presentation form
- Digital table
- File identifier
- Metadata language
- Spanish; Castilian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-12-04
- Metadata standard name
Reglamento (CE) Nº 1205/2008 de INSPIRE
- Metadata standard version
TG 2.0
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Geological Information System Area
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English UTF8