Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones and reporting units
Zbior Gospodarowanie obszarem / strefy ograniczone / regulacyjne oraz jednostki sprawozdawcze powstal w wyniku harmonizacji danych z Bazy Danych Obiektow Topograficznych (BDOT10k) oraz Panstwowego Rejestru Granic (PRG). Dane zostaly przeksztalcone zgodnie z modelem INSPIRE w zakresie tematu 3.11 opisanym w specyfikacji "D2.8.III.11 INSPIRE Data Specification on Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones and reporting units ? Draft Technical Guidelines".
- Date (Creation)
- 2011-12-30
- Citation identifier
- PL.PZGiK.200 / AM
- Citation identifier
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Continual
- Update scope
- Dataset
- Maintenance note
Zbiór danych aktualizowany w trybie ciągłym
- Keywords
Gospodarowanie obszarem
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Brak warunków dostępu i użytkowania
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Brak ograniczeń w publicznym dostępie
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 10000
- Language
- Polish
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Location
- Unique resource identifier
- Distribution format
Name Version Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units GML Application Schema
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name ATOM feed download service for Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units INSPIRE theme WMS view service for Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units INSPIRE theme WFS download service for Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units INSPIRE theme
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2014-04-17
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
Source data from the set of BDOT10k and PRG were transformed according to the model of INSPIRE subject Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units as described in the specification "INSPIRE Data Specification on Geographical names - Guidelines v3.1"
- File identifier
- a6c8c8b0-6365-11e3-949a-0800200c9a66 XML
- Metadata language
- Polish
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2019-07-20
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English UTF8